Pure Passion Liner Notes

John Michael Gray's soothing melodies bring out the calming effect of the piano at its best. Pure Passion is a collection of original compsitions that lends to invoke a greater fondness with each listen.

Special thanks to: My wife Jennifer, Ray Reuter at Yamaha Corp. of America, Bruce Bannister at Samuel Music, Mary Schatz at WMG, John Laufman at Kaufman Design, My family, friends, and fans who continue to give their constant support.

All songs Composed, Recorded and Produced by John Michael Gray.
Art Direction and Design: John Kaufman
Cover photo: Copyright 1996 Daistar Company (Dad and Mom Gray, April 16,1955.
Photography: Copyright 1996 Jennifer Gray
All songs published by Daistar Company
Distributed by Daistar Company.
Copyright 1996 Daistar Company. All Rights Reserved. DC 1296